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For gender equality in sport through digital media art

Presentation, Inspirations and Purpose


The project Parallel 3 – artivism cubed born from the confluence ofthree main ideas and premises:

  1. (re)Creation and eggs;

  2. Black holes: universe, macrocosm, infinity (the global);

  3. Parallel reality(s): mirrorverse, mirrors, illusions, microcosm (the particular).


They all coexist in parallels that intersect when crossing the imaginary line of reality, a metaphor for meeting other realities. The idea of an open work of art is intrinsic to the concept of creating life and sports feats, which may not happen exactly the same (that is, in a cyclical way) but in an evolutionary ellipse: chaos - destruction - rebirth - creation - woman, who contains the egg (physical and metaphysical) of (pro)creation.


The project comes from several inspirations: from the painting by Gustave Courbet (The origin of the world, 1866) to the performance of Deborah de RobertisMirror of Origin(2014), in front of the painting by Courbet (Musée d'Orsay, Paris), which refers to the mirror, a medium and concept to be explored. From the curiosity that black holes arouse, and from Courbet, to black holes and the mirrors of the creations of Anish Kapoor, some of which include oval shapes and the color red. The oval shape, linked to the egg, later led to the interpretation of the woman's condition by Deborah Czeresko, author of Meat Me in the Middle (2019), which consisted of a flesh chandelier with a fried egg in the center, made of blown glass, which highlighted her femininity in the male-dominated field of glass blowing.


But what sparked interest in the cause of gender inequality were several stories of pioneering women in sport. Thus, it was the drawn goal to the project parallel 3: raising awareness and creating empathy, in a form of activism for the cause of gender equality, particularly in sport.


to build a more egalitarian and inclusive world for all people… also in sport!

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