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For gender equality in sport through digital media art

1. We recognize
that sport is a powerful platform for promoting equality and inclusion, but that there are still many barriers to gender equality in sport.


2. We believe
that digital media art can be a means to promote gender equality in sport and to create a more inclusive and fair culture.


3. We commit
to creating digital art that addresses gender equality issues in sport, including pay inequality, lack of opportunities for women in sport, objectification of female athletes, discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, and other relevant themes .


4. By
Media-Digital Art

we can amplify marginalized voices, challenge stereotypes and expand what is possible in terms of gender representation in sport.


5. We encourage
everybody, from female, trans to non-binary and other marginalized athletes to join this cause.


6. We ask
sports organizations that promote gender equality in all their activities, including hiring, representing and promoting athletes. We also ask that sports organizations commit to creating a culture of respect, equality and inclusion in sport.


7. We hope
that the project and artifact of digital media art Parallel 3 – artivism cubed can be a powerful instrument of social change.


to build a more egalitarian and inclusive world for all people… also in sport!

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