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For the construction of a more egalitarian and inclusive world for all people… also in sport!


Why should we fight gender inequalities in sport? Gender equality is a matter of fairness and justice. It is consecrated from various legal instruments of the Council of Europe, such as the European Convention on Human Rights or the Istanbul Convention, among other gender equality norms and existing legislation in European countries.

Benefits for society 
Implementing a gender equality strategy in sport brings benefits to society. Promoting the access and participation of women and girls in various levels and areas of sport can have a positive impact on society at large. 

In public health and social development:Sport offers girls, boys, women and men an environment conducive to the education and social development of the individual and contributes to promoting good health and well-being in society. 

For example, by occupying leadership roles in sports organizations, women can develop valuable skills in management, negotiation, communication and decision-making to become leaders in all areas of community life. They can provide positive role models and positively influence societal attitudes towards women's capabilities as leaders. 

On education: Sport allows girls and boys to develop essential values for life in a democratic society, such asfair play, respect for others and the rules, team spirit, tolerance and responsibility, which helps to make them responsible citizens. 

In inclusion: Sport can promote the social integration of girls, boys, women and men, from disadvantaged groups exposed to multiple discrimination (when sex and gender take precedence over other grounds of discrimination, such as age, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and disability ) and can contribute to better understanding between communities, including in post-conflict regions. 

Better gender equality in sport can contribute to a better quality of life! In countries with greater gender equality, the chances of enjoying a high quality of life are about twice as high compared to countries with less gender equality.

To effectively achieve gender equality, it is necessary to change norms and behaviours, fight stereotypes and inform. One way is to make gender inequalities visible, for example by presenting data that show existing inequalities. The design and artifact Parallel 3 – Artivism to the Cube aims to raise awareness of this cause through creativity and art, included on this page, where you can find some posters and memes to share.


The posters/memes created by the projectparallel 3  exclusively for this cause are for usufruct and sharing. disclose taIt also helps promote change!

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