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The experience
with the artifact of Digital Media-Art

Welcome to the transmedia experience Parallel 3, which begins in the interaction with the artifact of Digital-Art Media (DAM) at the Galeria do Convento Espírito Santo, in Loulé, from July 2023. Here you will find clues to better understand the artifact, which is made up of a cube. Know and experience all its faces and dimensions.

Transmedia Website
QR code

Digital art activities are associated withnet art, which consists of computer-generated works of art accessible online, created by artists using online tools such as Internet browsers, code, search engines, and applications. Anet arthas the ability to fuse art, design, political activism and communication, giving rise to an activist art form that promotes political and civic participation using digital technological tools to mobilize groups of people. With the advancement of communication on the Internet, artists use social media tools to spread their messages.


The QR code prominently printed on side 1 of the Parallel 3 cube, allows the visitor to access this web page dedicated to the project and social networks, for an exponentiation of the transmedia narrative of the experience. It complements the contents presented in the exhibition with others that do not fit there, such as the inspiring stories of pioneering women in sport, memes or social networks, for example. Here you can also learn more about the project, such as its inspiration, cause, manifesto, shape (of the cube) and respective concepts.  


Parallel 3  is an artivist digital medium-art project, which aims to raise awareness of the cause of Gender Equality in Sport. Discover the dimensions of the project: the cause, the cube concept and the inspiring stories of pioneering athletes in the sport. Aexperience complements the digital media-art artifact.


Aceder a causa



Paralelo3_EXPERIENCE v2a.png

Do you know everything about Gender Equality in sport?

Test your knowledge of this cause. 


to build a more egalitarian and inclusive world for all people… also in sport!

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